
Friday, February 05, 2010

Lesson about being "that mom"

I think when you become a mom a sense of protection blossoms inside. But what about when you are thrown into an unknown world. A world full of people who have more education than you. A world full of doctors. I will admit, before Little C, I thought doctors had magical powers. They wear white coats and have lots of people following them around seeking their knowledge. When you become the mom of a "special" kid, there are two options. You either continue your belief that doctors walk on water or you become "that mom". A mom who questions, ask, challenges and even walks away all in the best interest of your child. I chose to become "that mom" pretty quickly in our journey. I don't really like to be told what to do anyway, so the transition wasn't too hard. I have been faced with many tough decisions for him. We even transferred hospitals 3 times seeking the best solutions for Little C. Everytime, a lesson learned and progress made. All to get us where we are now. I can't claim to be the Christian I need to be, but I know God has a plan for us and everytime we choose a path, it is the path already laid for us. I have learned that trusting and following directions are 2 very different things. I am for the most part a trusting person, except when it comes to Little C. I learned quickly not to just take someone's word for it. Big C and I have become research nuts and question-aholics. Some docs love us for it, some hate us. There is something about the "M.D." behind someone's name that makes it hard to push back. I have a reputation, good or bad for being "that mom". I would say 60% of the time it's helpful and 40% of the time it is frowned upon. I think being educated was the one thing I had control of when Little C was in the NICU. I saw parents come in, hold their baby and leave. Never even speaking with the doc. Our doc would come in and have a seat. Bring his coffee in. And now we have come to a fork in the road with Little C's care. A huge decision has to be made. For the first time in a long time, I am unsure. Being "that mom", also means taking responsibilty for the decisions you force them to make. This is a big decision. I think maybe even bigger than I can emotionally deal with right now. I have been crying a lot this week. I am always emotional, but this week has been really hard. My husband hates when I go back and forth, changing my mind. Most of the time when I make up my mind, it's done. This time there is just so much at stake. I have been praying for guidance for the right answer. I know the right answer will come. I am just glad to know tomorrow, I will get to be "that mom" again. A gift I will cherish each day.


Anonymous said...

I love that you are "that mom" yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever. Never, never, never stop being "that mom". Little C is here because you are "that mom". Never forget that. And the Lord will provide the plan...and we must be willing to trust HIM.

Ashley said...


Your heart is so beautiful and you are not alone in your struggle. I too am "that mom" and it can be a very, very lonely place. I just wanted you to know that their "others" out there supporting you and loving you. My wish is that you neither of us ever had to learn how to become "that mom", but for some reason bigger than my understanding He has called us to be. For the life of our children and for HIS glory? I can only hope. Sincerely, Trish Adams