
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lesson on "getting it right"

Secretly, I yearn to be perfect. I know, some of you are laughing. I have been wanting to get back to blogging on here for weeks, but I wanted it to be perfect.  Perfect topic, perfect picture to go with my topic. I have written many amazing post in my head at 3 in the morning. Well, tonight, I am going for it. I don't think anyone is reading this anyway, so nothing to lose. I am simply in awe of the blogging world. It's crazy. One great blog leads you to another great blog and so on. I have spent countless hours just jumping from one to the next. People have a lot to say!! The ones I love the most are the decorating and creative blogs. Gosh, I thought I was creative. I'm embarrassed to call myself creative after seeing some of these chicks. So many cool ideas and where they get the time to re-decorate everyday!! But I did manage to do one Fall idea over this past weekend! I have to admit, it looks pretty good and I seem to be the talk of the neighborhood! I want to save that for my next post. Pictures and all! I really do love it! So what have I been up to? Getting Carter healthy and growing was my big goal for Summer 2010 and I am very pleased with our progress! He is doing so good and seems to be growing up before my eyes. I feel like I have really become his "mom" this summer. Not just his caretaker, but his mom.  He looks at me like I am the only person in the whole world and I have to hold back the tears. He is the son I have always dreamed of.  He still has a ways to go with his walking and talking, but he is doing just fine in the social & personality department! He never meets a stranger, just like me! And everywhere we go, people stop me to tell me how adorable he is. I always walk away with a smile... if they only knew. But I know and that's all that matters. 
Ok, that wasn't too bad. I'm sure tonight I will think of a million things I should've talked about, but this was a good start. I'm back and want this to be an outlet for all my random thoughts. Hopefully someone will read this or all my worrying will be for not. Funny!

1 comment:

ragamuffinbeauties said...

Hey lovely one, glad you are back...can't wait to read your random. XOXO